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Starting NOW you can get our beer in 450ml and 1L beer bombs plus an amazing selection of bottles and cans wherever you want em!
Check out what we've got at our locations by visiting us or clicking here.
Shoot us a message on our Facebook or click here with what beer(s) you'd like and your full contact info (i.e. name, address, mobile).
Wait for our confirmation message confirming that the beer you want is good to go and how you can pay.
Send us a payment confirmation and we'll help you coordinate with a takeaway nominee of your choice to ensure your beer is safe.
It's that easy because...well, science.
Note: Due to the various options and area pricing, we cannot cover the costs associated with your takeaway nominee.  Please let us know any specific requirements and we'll do our best to accommodate you.
Feel free to message us if you have any questions. Beer Bombs are always available at both bars unless otherwise indicated.
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